What is Lymphedema?

Swelling or excess fluid in tissue that occurs due to lymph node or vessel damage, removal, or blockage.


In the U.S. alone, 2 to 3 million people are affected by secondary lymphedema and 1 to 2 million people are affected with primary lymphedema.

What is the treatment for Lymphedema?

Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) The treatment consists of four components: Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), Graduated compression bandages/garments, Skincare, and Therapeutic exercises

Mastectomy Lumpectomy Radiation treatment  Lymph node removal Surgery, infection or trauma

Phase 1

Move the lymph fluid out of the affected region and reduce swelling using MLD techniques and bandaging for a duration of 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity.

Phase 2

The patient is fitted with a graduated compression garment. The patient now plays a large role in his or her ongoing self-care. Wearing graduated compression garments, being meticulous about skincare, and therapeutic exercises will assure continued success.

What To Expect At Your First Appointment

An initial evaluation will begin with a thorough review of history and assessment of current symptoms. Your therapist will assess range of motion, observe and palpate skin and soft tissue changes and take circumferential measurements of arms and legs.